Teresa visited Conway Primary School in Plumstead to sit in on a class of children who are studying an award winning money skills programme. Teresa, joined the year 6 pupils as they tackled everything from understanding the value of money, and deals to needs vs wants and savings
The workshops are part of a mission to teach young people about money and budgeting. The ‘Kickstart Money’ project is delivered by the charity MyBnk and funded by a coalition of 20 financial services firms.
Research by the Money Advice Service has found that early intervention is key and that behavioural attitudes to money are formed by the age of seven. Only one third of parents talk to their children about money, and there is a significant lack of financial education provision in schools for children in the UK.
Schools who want to take advantage of MyBnk’s free expert-led financial education lessons are urged to contact info@kickstartmoney.org.
Teresa said:
“It was a great morning. The children learnt a lot and so did I, learning about money and budgeting is a key lesson.”
For further information click on the links below: